Friday, March 6, 2015

Improving Speaking Achievement Using Game of Third Grade Students at SMKN 01 Batu

By Khurnia Zulianti

This chapter presents background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and definition of key terms.
1.1  Background of the study
The objective of teaching and learning English in Senior High School is to give student basic knowledge related to things available in the student surroundings by paying attention to their progress and the appropriateness to the condition. However, it is better if teaching English should have been begun from child in order to be successful in learning English.
In this globalization era, English plays a prominent role in the world, where most people use English as a means of communication. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, English is considered as a foreign language (Bustami (1990: 18)
English language is a compulsory subject that is taught from elementary school until senior high school in Indonesia. One of the language skills that should be mastered by the students at SMKN 01 Batu is speaking. Many students find difficulty in speaking English. Some factors are their fear of making mistakes, being laughed by their friends and lack of confidence of their own abilities.
Therefore, a teacher should help the students in solving this problem by motivating them to speak. For this reason, the teacher can use effective methods that encourage students to take part actively in the class. The teaching learning process is not only involving the teacher and the students, but also between the students and the other students.
There is a method that can be used by the teacher to improve the students’ skill in speaking English. It is doing some games which are interesting and inviting the students to be curious. The teacher can search many games from many sources as his guide in teaching English skills, especially speaking. According to the reasons above, I decided to compose this paper by giving its title: “Improving speaking achievement using games of third grade of SMKN 01 Batu”
Speaking is an activity used by someone to communicate with other. It takes place very where and has become part of our daily activities. When someone speaks, he or she interacts and uses the language to express his or her ideas, feeling and thought. He or she also shares information to other trough communication.
In SMKN 01 Batu, there are four skills of English course; they are speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Speaking is one of skill subjects that is also the one of important required subject to reach at least the standardized score or goals. But some of students in SMKN 01 Batu still face the problem in learning speaking subject especially in third grade.
In this case, the students must study hard to master it and the teacher should create a good atmosphere in class. However, it is contrary to the real situation in class. Speaking activities do not work in class because many factors prevent students from speaking English with their friends. They are afraid of making mistakes, of being laughed at by his or her friends and of having lack of confidence in their ability
To teach English speaking successfully, one must consider some factors in the teaching and learning process, including appropriate textbook, media and competent English teacher (Hearul, 2008:3).
Sometimes the implementation of teaching process and English speaking learning in the class can be boring for learner if the teacher does not know how to give a good strategy, use a suitable media by supporting material and how to make the students interested to study English According to Maskhuroh (2004:4) learning English as a foreign language can be frustrating for the students if the teachers do not know how to present the material well.
Based on the researchers experience that have observed the students of third grade at SMKN 01 Batu, the researcher observations show that most of the students are getting bored in English speaking learning process. Sometimes, they are not enthusiasm to learn English. When teacher gives question, they cannot answer because they are difficult to memorize vocabulary, make sentences and pronounce English well. It makes the students less motivated and the score of exercise or test is not satisfactory, 
According to Jannah (2006:2) to create the motivation learn English the teacher has to be creative in term of selecting the material and preparing supporting materials to make the teaching and learning process a live and enjoyable. One of the creativities that makes enjoyable is using games to learn English. Generally, all children like games, because they like something cheerful. So indirectly, they are playing game while studying. If they feel happy, they are motivated to study. Therefore, in this case games as Media are very useful to help student improve their speaking achievement. Of course, it can influence for their achievement in learning English.
For the background above, the researcher conducts the study related to the English teaching under the title “Improving speaking achievement using game of third grade students at SMKN 01 Batu”.
1.2   Statement of the Problem
Based on the background of the study, the writer wants to find out whether the use of games in teaching speaking skill can improve the students' English speaking ability. The problem of the study is stated as follows:
1.2.1 How can the games improve students’ speaking achievement of the third grade students at SMKN 01 Batu?”
1.2.2  How can the games improve students’ motivation in speaking of  the third grade students at SMKN 01 Batu?”
1.3 The Objectives of the Study
The success of the teaching-learning process in the language classroom depends on the process of interaction between the teacher and the students and among the students. The degree of the interaction in the classroom is influenced by certain factors such as the materials to be taught, the methods of teaching used and the atmosphere of the class that motivates the students to learn. Therefore, the objectives of the study are:
a. To describe how the games can improve the students' speaking achievement of  the third grade students at SMKN 01 Batu.
b. To describe how the games can improve the students' motivation in speaking of the third grade students at SMKN 01 Batu.
1.4  Significance of the Study
            The result of the study is expected to be able to give benefits to the students, the teachers, the schools and the other researchers.
1.4.1  For students
a.     The students' English speaking ability increases.
b.     The students will not feel bored to join the learning activity.
c.      The students are motivated to speak.
d.     The students' vocabulary will increase automatically.
1.4.2. For teachers
e.    The teachers will find a new approach which is appropriate for teaching speaking.
a.         Teachers will develop their creativity to improve their teaching-learning process.
b.   The teachers will be able to conduct teaching-learning activities appropriately.
1.4.3. For school
a.  Project work increases students' achievement.
b. Project work develops learning strategies which stimulate students' creativities
1.4.4.  For other researchers
a.       Project work probably will be used as a reference for those who want to conduct a research in English teaching process, especially in improving the students' speaking ability.
b.      Method and games can be used as an input in English teaching process.
1.5.  Scope and Limitation of the Study
The study will be held for students of third grade students at SMKN 01 Batu. With some considerations, the researcher believes that it is very impossible to dig up all of the parts related to the students’ interest in English. Therefore the researcher narrowed down into following:
a.       The study will be conducted at SMKN 01 Batu of the fifth grade students.
b.      The study will focus on games to improve the student’s motivation and achievement.
1.6  Definition of key term
To avoid the wrong assumption about the term in this proposal thesis, some definitions are settled as follows:
a.    Improving           : Process which enhances students' knowledge and enables them to acquire skills like collaboration, communication and independent learning, prepares them for lifelong learning and the challenges ahead
b.    Speaking             : Create a positive classroom environment with real communication using English language not only  between teacher and students but also between  students and students
c.    Achievement       : Gain or reach something by effort or a result of activities that Have done, it means that mastery of knowledge or skill that developed by lesson and show by score.
d.   Motivation          : The reason for student action and something that energizes the student to speak English in the classroom.
e.    Games                 : The games that used in speaking subject is guessing games and picture games as strategy in teaching English.


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