Thursday, March 12, 2015

Speaking: 16 Easy Topics on Discussion

1. This house would ban homework
2. This house believes that university education should be free
3. This house would rise the legal driving age to 18
4. This house would ban school uniform for elementary – senior high school students in Indonesia
5. This house would ban cosmetic surgery
6. This house believes that mother should stay at home and look after their children
7. This house believes that assisted suicide should be legalized
8. This house would ban junk food from schools
9. This house believes that cannabis should be legalized
10. That house believes that advertising is harmful
11. This house would ban boxing
12. This house would ban beauty contests
13. This house believe that extra-curricular activities in schools should be formally recognized
14. This house would ban child performer
15. This house would ban religious symbols in public buildings
16. All students should have an after school job

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