Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How to include Previous study on research proposal or thesis?

Previous Studies
            This study proposal will be much better if the researcher includes and states the previous studies related to the talking chips technique used in teaching speaking.
First study conducted by Syafryadin whose study entitled “The Use of Talking Chips Technique in Improving Students’ Speaking Achievement”. He implemented talking chips technique to the grade X in one of senior high schools in Bandung in year 2013. On the implementation of this technique, the researcher conducted three cycles in the class, and each cycle really gained good improvement towards students’ speaking ability. Before the researcher applied this technique to the students, the researcher first reviewed about present tense. Then researcher started applying this technique in the class. In every cycle, the students’ got improvement even though they still had problems on the speaking. The problems can be lessened from the first cycle to the third cycle. To show the last result of the researcher after implementing this technique, the researcher wants to include the result in score on every cycle done in the class. In cycle one, the mean score of fluency was 61.1 and 62.81 for accuracy. In cycle 2, the mean score of students in fluency was 67.207 and accuracy was 68.05. In cycle 3, the mean score of fluency was 71.451 and accuracy was 74.69.
Second previous study conducted by Hardiyanti, Rochsantiningsih, and Setyaningsih whose study under title Using Talking Chips to Improve Students’ Participation in EFL Classroom. They implemented this technique in State Senior High School 5 Surakarta at class X-5 in the academic year of 2012/2013. The researchers implemented and finished the teaching activity in five (5) meetings. The researchers also included game activity in the class to make the students active and participate in the teaching speaking. To know the result of the implementation done by them, the researcher tries to include the improvement gained by the students by comparing the pre-observation and post-observation on the fifth meeting toward the implementing talking chips technique. Natural desire to participate, this aspect improves from 54.2% to 83.3% on the post-observation. Confidence, this aspect improves from 63.3% to 88.3% on the post observation. Enjoying discussion, it improves from 68.3% to 90.8% on the post-observation. Spontaneity, it improves from 38.3% to 53.3% on the post-observation. Focus, it achieves from 68.3% to 82.5% on the post-observation. This result can be concluded that talking chips technique really helps the improvement of students’ speaking ability. 

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